A Long, Long Way from classical Greece at the bottom of the Indian Ocean

A Long, Long Way from classical Greece at the Bottom of the Indian Ocean

I’m curious about what women peek
At as the men fixate on tits. Do gals
Examine buttocks and their swollen, sleek
Bronze dullness? Are women’s, visual pals
The bulging abs or maybe hulking thighs?
I’d bet that girls don’t peer at metal cock
And marble balls stupendous in their size
And dangle. If titanic in their schlock,
Will hairless armpits of the heroes grab
The feminine eye? Well, maybe more than
Male reality. Who will pay the tab
For tart-like, blown up mockery of man?
..Mythologized women of Lesbos might
….Buy bulbous breasts. Some like such vulgar shite.