Black and White Lambs

     Black and White Lambs

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

               Black And White Lambs by Pat Scrap on Pixabay

If I were just a little lamb in spring,

I think that I would want to be both black

And white.  I think that I would sling and fling

Myself about on greenest grass and tack

About in glee.  Why not?  If I were white

And white I’d feel the least bit bored.  The Good,

Good, Good is far too mild and maybe trite.

I’d feel that I was saying, “All lambs should

Be innocent and never, never baaaaaad.

And then again if I were black with no

Curled white upon me, that would be too sad.

No. No.  Give me both ebony and snow.

..I’d want to think that Christ made me both curls

….Of black and white perhaps in mixed up twirls.